Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dear Skip Bayless, My ESPN Boyfriend...

Well, after much thought and pondering and editing, here is the email I just sent to one Skip Bayless, my most favorite ESPN crush:

Skip! I hate Tebow, but I love you. (In a non-creepy way. I don't want to offend Ernestine. Or my husband, though he totally knows about my ESPN crush.) My friend Britt Kaufmann and I wrote a play called "Between the Tackles" about 3 guys watching NFL football - you have 8 chances to come watch it in Burnsville, NC, at The Parkway Playhouse, starting September 22. (Look it up here: www.betweenthetacklesplay.blogspot.com.) You can bring Stephen A. and embrace debate with my son, Franco, in our Steelers room. (For real.) Doesn't that sound like fun? I thought you would agree! "Don't disrespect me" and give us a shout-out. I'll be watching!! Thanks a bunch! Love, Stephanie Stark Poling

I just know he is going to totally mention us, probably tomorrow, so I hope everyone and their brother is watching ESPN's First Take at 10:00 Eastern on ESPN2. (They should pay for me for my awesome ambassadorship...)

I told ol' Scotty P. I invited Skip and Stephen A. to stay in our Steelers room for the opening night show, since it is only courtesy to inform one's spouse about your plans for overnight guests who are most certainly guaranteed to show up. He looked at me like I might be crazy and wondered aloud if I love Skip Bayless more than I love him.

It's not more, it's just different...

Just kidding!

The next marks on my list: Mike and Mike, as soon as Golic returns from his vacation. After that, the PTI fellas - Wilbon and Kornheiser.

A woman's work is never done...and none of you ESPN fools are safe. Beware!!

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