Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Lights Down - Lights Up

It's over.  The set has been dismantled and put away.  The cast and crew have all moved on to other projects.  (My husband and I took the kids to the Steelers v. Titans game--which was awesome and horrible at the same time.)

But Steph and I haven't moved on from Between the Tackles.


We began again.  The show closed on a Saturday night, and the next Monday, Steph and I (and Franco) drove down to Asheville to director Michael Lilly's house to pick his brains.  What worked?  What didn't work?  What comments did he hear from his theatre-friends.  We already had a list of things we wanted to change* did those proposed changes strike him?

Then.  How did what he said strike us?
Then.  Back to work.

After another week of back-and-forth editing and revision we now have BETWEEN THE TACKLES v7.1. Whew!

So, if you know a theatre who's interested in a modern comedy for a small cast with a simple set... let us know.  We'd love for these characters live and entertain again.

* These included some gems the actors either added, improved, or were flubbed mis-remembered lines. For example:  Lillypad, Tebowing, I love you (to Ryan's mom), Princess, Little Miss Marky, mooing, Ryan falling on his sword...  Funny stuff.

PS - True story:  Steph's husband came by the other day to have my husband smoke a life-time's supply of home-made pepperoni.  The ensuing conversation about casings, insta-cure methods, internal temperatures, drafts/airflow, refrigerator temperatures and humidity levels for curing would have blown your mind.  Either this is evidence of how un-creative Steph and I actually are, or it is once again life-imitating-art-imitating-life. Either way:  funny to me.

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